Cardinal Bird FAQs

Northern Cardinals are faciinating birds! Here are some basic Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about this bird.

What does a Northern Cardinal look like?

Male Northern Cardinals are bright red with a black mask around their face, while females are a warm brown with red tinges on their crest, wings, and tail. Both have a thick, orange-red beak and a distinctive crest on their head.

Where can I find Northern Cardinals?

They are common in the eastern and central United States, as well as parts of Mexico. Cardinals prefer woodland edges, gardens, parks, and backyards with dense shrubs or trees.

What do Northern Cardinals eat?

Their diet includes seeds, fruits, and insects. At feeders, they often eat sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, and suet.

Do Northern Cardinals migrate?

No, they stay in the same area year-round. In winter, they are often seen in pairs or small groups, adding a bright contrast to snowy landscapes.

Why do Northern Cardinals sing?

Both males and females sing to communicate, which is unusual for songbirds. Males sing to defend territory, while females may sing from the nest to signal their mate.

How long do Northern Cardinals live?

In the wild, they typically live around 3 years, but some have been known to survive over 15 years.

How can I attract Northern Cardinals to my yard?

Providing sunflower or safflower seeds in platform or hopper feeders, planting dense shrubs for shelter, and offering a water source like a birdbath can help attract them.

When do Northern Cardinals breed?

Breeding season starts in early spring and can last through late summer. Females build nests in dense shrubs or small trees, and they usually have 2–3 broods per year.

Are Northern Cardinals aggressive?

Males can be territorial and may attack their reflection in windows, thinking it’s a rival bird. This behavior is most common during breeding season

Why are Northern Cardinals so easy to spot in winter?

Their bright red plumage contrasts sharply with snowy backgrounds, making them more visible. They also stay active and vocal throughout winter, unlike some birds that migrate or become less active.

What U.S. states have the Cardinal as their state bird?

The Northern Cardinal is the state bird for seven U.S. states:
1. Illinois
2. Indiana
3. Kentucky
4. North Carolina
5. Ohio
6. Virginia
7. West Virginia

What U.S. sports teams are named after the Cardinal?

Arizona Cardinals (NFL – National Football League)

St. Louis Cardinals (MLB – Major League Baseball)